One of the reasons that you hear people bragging about being "phones junkies" is because of their latest secret - how to start your own cell phone company. It's true; you can make a lot of money with that little unit of plastic and metal. You can even use it for security measures and business, if you're careful.
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Cell phones have become more of a status symbol than an item used to just make calls. That's why it's so easy to start up a cell-phone business these days. There are thousands of different cell phone providers out there. Just walk into any store and you'll see dozens of them. Some are more expensive than others, but all of them offer the same service - voice and data communication. Even though you might think of the telephone as old-fashioned, it still has a very important place in our everyday lives.
It seems that cell phones are the wave of the future. Everyone has at least one, and many have several. And as their popularity grows, it's more important than ever to find ways to make money.
How To Start Your Own Cell Phone Company
Cell phone companies sell cell phones and service plans for about one hundred dollars each, depending on how many minutes you want to talk on a month. You can choose from two methods: pay per minute plans or pay per talk plan. Pay per minute plans include the purchase and activation of a cell phone, while pay per talk plans require you to subscribe to a service such as a land line or cell phone, and then use that service every time you make a call. Because you only pay for what you use, this makes for a very inexpensive way to make a living.
How do you start your own cell phone company? Start with an idea for a simple cell phone package that includes the products you want, at a price that allows you to break even and still make a profit. For example, if you wanted to sell long distance calls, you could bundle them into a package that would include minutes for just a few dollars more per month. This is called a "bundle."
How to start your own cell phone company will include the marketing. Create a basic website using an online business software package like WordPress, and add the text you want on it. Don't worry about the looks, the point of your site is how to start your own cell phone company. Also add a press release to your website linking to your newsletter so that people know about your new services. Also give away samples of your work at various events, and send thank you cards to customers.
How to start your own cell phone company will also include dealing with local phone directories. You can do this by setting up a Pay As You Go account with local phone companies. These types of accounts are prepaid and you'll pay on a monthly basis. Some phone companies may offer free trials, so check them out before you invest money. You can use free offers to get your business off the ground. However, these offers usually expire after a certain period of time.
After learning how to start your own cell phone company, you'll have to decide what you're going to sell and who you're going to sell it to. If you don't already specialize in one particular type of phone, such as wireless plans or home phones. Otherwise you'll have to learn how to market to everyone. Whatever you choose, make sure you follow through on all your promises to customers to ensure that they'll be repeat customers.
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